[MathStat] 1. Foundations of Statistics
2022, Apr 21
This post is an overall summary of Chapter 1, 2 of the textbook Statistical Inference by Casella and Berger.
Table of Contents
1.1. Sigma Algebra
1.2. Expected Values
1.3. Moment Generating Functions
1.4. Characteristic Functions
1.5. Statistical Independence
1.6. Covariance and Correlation
1.7. Conditional Distributions
1. Foundations of Statistics
1.1 Sigma Algebra
A collection of subsets of sample space S is called a sigma algebra denoted by B, if it satisfies the following three properties:
&1.\quad \emptyset \in B \quad(\text{ the empty set is an element of }B) \\[5pt]
&2.\quad \text{If } A \in B, \text{ then }A^c\in B \quad(B\text{ is closed under complementation}) \\[5pt]
&3. \quad \text{If }A_1,A_2,\dots \in B, \text{ then } \cup_{i=1}^\infty A_i \in B \quad(B\text{ is closed under countable unions}) \\[20pt]
Q. Reason why we want to care about sigma algebras?
- when we deal with a large sample space like real line, there are some pathological sets that break down the probability theory.
- To avoid such crazy sets (i.e. non-measurable sets), we restrict our attention to smaller but nicer subsets (i.e. measurable sets) for which the probability measure is well-defined and satisfies the Kolmogorov axioms of probability.
&1.\quad P(A) \geq 0 \text{ for all } A \in B \\[8pt]
&2.\quad P(S) = 1 \\
&3. \quad \text{If } A_1,A_2,\dots \in B \text{ are pairwise disjoint, then } P\big(\cup_{i=1}^\infty A_i \big) = \sum_{i=1}^\infty P(A_i)
1.2 Expected Values
The expected value or mean of a random variable $g(X)$, denoted as $E[g(X)]$ is defined as:
\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} g(x)f_X(x)dx , & \text{if } X \text{ is continuous} \\[10pt]
\sum_{x\in \chi} g(x)f_X(x) , & \text{if } X \text{ is discrete}
provided that the integral or sum exists.
<Relationship to tail probability>
Let X be a “nonnegative” random variable. Then in holds that:
E[X] = \int_{0}^{\infty} \big( 1 - F_X(x) \big)df = \int_{0}^{\infty}P(X > x)dx
&\Rightarrow x = \int_0^{x} 1dt = \int_0^{\infty} \mathbb{1}(t < x)dt \\[10pt]
&\Leftrightarrow E[X] = E\Big[\int_0^{\infty} \mathbb{1}(t < x)dt\Big] = \int_0^{\infty} P(X > t)dt \quad (\because \text{Tonelli's theorm})
A slight extension of this property to any random variable is that:
E[X] = \int_0^\infty P(X > x)dx - \int_{-\infty}^0 P(X < x)dx
&\text{Since } x\mathbb{1}(X\geq 0) = \int_{0}^x\mathbb{1}(X \geq 0)dt = \int_{0}^\infty \mathbb{1}(X \geq 0) \mathbb{1}(X > t)dt = \int_0^\infty \mathbb{1}(X > t)dt, \\[5pt]
&\text{and }x = x\mathbb{1}(X \geq 0) + x\mathbb{1}(X < 0) = x\mathbb{1}(X \geq 0) - -(x)\mathbb{1}(-X > 0),
\Rightarrow &E[ \mathbb{1}(X\geq 0)] = E\big[\int_0^\infty \mathbb{1}(X>t)dt \big] = \int_0^\infty P(X>t)dt \\[7pt]
& E[-x\mathbb{1}(-X \geq 0)] = E\big[\int_0^\infty \mathbb{1}(-X > t)dt\big] = \int_0^\infty P(X < -t)dt = \int_{-\infty}^0P(X < t)dt
\therefore E[X] = \int_0^\infty P(X > x)dx - \int_{-\infty}^0 P(X < x)dx
A useful alternative expression of variance is that for any arbitrary i.i.d. copy of random variable $X$ denoted by $X^\prime$, the variance is:
Var(X) = \frac{1}{2} E\big[ (X-X^\prime)^2\big]
From this, for a bounded random variable $x \in [a, b]$ the variance is upper bounded by:
Var(X) \leq \frac{(b-a)^2}{4}
This boundary cannot be improved in general.
1.3 Moment Generating Functions
For each integer $n$, the n-th central moment of a random variable $X$ is defined as:
\mu_n = E\big[(X-E[X])^n\big]
Then, the moment generating function (a.k.a. mgf) of a random variable $X$ is:
M_X(t) = E\big[ e^{tX} \big], \quad \;\forall t \in (-\delta, \delta), \;\delta >0
Q. Why is mgf useful?
- The mgf of $X$ gives us all moments of $X$.
- If the mgf exists, it uniquely determines the distribution of $X$.
M_X(t) = M_Y(t) \;\Leftrightarrow\; X \overset{d}{\approx} Y
- Convergence in mgf implies convergence in distribution. This property is used to prove the Central Limit Theorem.
\underset{n \to \infty}{\text{lim}}M_{X_n}(t) = M_X(t) \;\Leftrightarrow\; \underset{n \to \infty}{\text{lim}}F_{X_n}(t) = F_X(t)
- mgf is also useful to obtain a probability tail bound such as the Hoeffding’s inequality.
Note that mgf doesn’t necessarily exists for all random variables (e.g. Cauchy random variable)
&\text{For Cauchy Random Variable }X, \\[5pt]
&f(x) = \frac{1}{\pi}\frac{1}{x^2+1}, \quad (-\infty < x < \infty) \\[5pt]
\Rightarrow \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{tx}\frac{1}{\pi}\frac{1}{x^2+1}dx &\geq \int_{0}^\infty e^{tx}\frac{1}{\pi}\frac{1}{x^2+1}dx \\[8pt]
&\geq \int_{0}^\infty \frac{1}{\pi}\frac{tx}{x^2+1}dx \\[8pt]
&= \underset{a \to \infty}{\text{lim}}\Big[\frac{t}{2\pi}log(a^2 + 1) \Big] = \infty
1.4 Characteristic Functions
The characteristic function of a random variable $X$ is defined as:
\phi_X(t) = E\big[ exp(itX) \big] = E\big[cos(tX) + isin(tX)\big], \quad t\in\mathbb{R}
- Characteristic function serves similar purposes with the moment generating function, but it exists for any kind of random variable.
&1.\quad \phi_X(0) = 1 \;\text{ and }\; |\phi_X(t)| \leq 0. \\[7pt]
&2.\quad \phi_X(t) \text{ is uniformly continuous } \big(\text{i.e. exists }\psi \text{ such that } |\phi_X(t+n) - \phi_X(t)| \leq \psi(h)\big). \\[5pt]
&3.\quad \text{If } X \overset{d}{=} -X \text{ (i.e. symmetric)}, \phi_X(t) \text{ is real-valued}. \\[5pt]
&4.\quad X \overset{d}{=} Y \text{ if and only if } \phi_X(t) = \phi_Y(t).
1.5 Statistical Independence
Two random variables $X$ and $Y$ are independent if and only if :
P(X\in A, \;Y\in B) = P(X \in A)\;P(Y \in B)
\Leftrightarrow f_{XY}(x,y) = f_X(x)f_Y(y)
- Note that function of independent random variables are also independent:
P\big(g(X) \in A, \;h(Y)\in B \big) &= P\big(X \in g^{-1}(A), \; Y\in h^{-1}(B) \big) \\[5pt]
&= P\big(X \in g^{-1}(A)\big) \;P\big( Y\in h^{-1}(B) \big) \\[5pt]
&= P\big(g(X) \in A\big) \; P\big(h(Y)\in B \big)
- If $X_1, \dots, X_n$ are independent,
&\Rightarrow E\Big[\prod_{i=1}^n X_i \Big] = \prod_{i=1}^n E\big[ X_i\big] \\[5pt]
&\Rightarrow Var\Big( \sum_{i=1}^n a_iX_i \Big) = \sum_{i=1}^na_i^2Var(X_i)
1.6 Covariance and Correlation
The covariance of two random variables $X$ and $Y$ is:
\text{Cov}(X, Y) = E\big[(X-E[X])(Y-E[Y])\big] = E[XY] - E[X]E[Y]
The correlation of random variables $X$ and $Y$ is:
\text{Corr}(X, Y) = \rho_{XY} = \frac{\text{Cov}(X,Y)}{\sqrt{Var(X)Var(Y)}}, \quad (-1\leq \rho_{XY} \leq 1)
- Note that covariance is scale-variant, while correlation is scale-invariant.
\text{Cov}(X, Y) \neq \text{Cov}(aX, bY)
\text{Corr}(aX,aY) = \frac{\text{Cov}(aX, bY)}{\sqrt{Var(aX)Var(bY)}} = \frac{ab\;\text{Cov}(X,Y)}{\sqrt{a^2b^2Var(X)Var(Y)}} = \text{Corr}(X,Y)
1.7 Conditional Distributions
Let $(X, Y)$ be a continuous bivariate random vector with joint pdf $f_{XY}$ and marginal pdfs $f_X$ and $f_Y$. For any $x$ such that $f_X(x)>0$, the conditional pdf of $Y$ given that $X=x$ is the function of $y$ denoted by $f(y|x)$ defined as:
f(y|x) = \frac{f_{XY}(x,y)}{f_X(x)}
<Law of total expectation>
For any two random variables $X$ and $Y$, provided that expectations exist,
E[X] = E[E[X|Y]]
<Law of total variance>
For any two random variables $X$ and $Y$,
Var(X) = E[Var(X|Y) + Var(E[X|Y])]
<Law of total covariance>
For any three random variables $X, Y, Z$, it holds that:
\text{Cov}(X, Y) = E\big[ \text{Cov}(X,Y|Z)\big] + \text{Cov}\big(E[X|Z], E[Y|Z]\big)
- Casella, G., & Berger, R. L. (2002). Statistical inference. 2nd ed. Australia ; Pacific Grove, CA: Thomson Learning.